Treasury Bonds
Treasury Bonds on Offer
- Treasury Bonds Auction Results
- Treasury Bonds Prospectuses
- Issues of Treasury Bonds
- Government Securities Auction and Maturities Schedule
- Treasury Bond Interest Payments Schedule
Treasury Bonds Prospectuses
Issues of Treasury Bonds
Government Securities Auction and Maturities Schedule
Treasury Bond Interest Payments Schedule
Please note that calculators are provided to serve as guides for investors, but all final pricing is determined by the Central Bank.
- Treasury Bonds Pricing Calculator
- Treasury Bonds Reopening and Secondary Market Calculator
- Treasury Bonds Rediscounting Calculator
This calculator allows you to determine the price of a bond that is re-opened or sold on the secondary market. Find the bond’s coupon rate, maturity date and issue date using our Treasury Bonds Results table above. You’ll find a full schedule of the bond’s interest payments in its prospectus, which you can search for in our Treasury Bonds Prospectuses table above.
This calculator allows you determine what you would receive should you need to rediscount your bond. Find your bond’s coupon rate, maturity date and issue date using our Treasury Bonds Results table above. You’ll find a full schedule of your bond’s interest payments in its prospectus, which you can search for in our Treasury Bonds Prospectuses table above.
Kindly note that this calculator uses a coupon-based rediscounting rate. In determining final prices, the Central Bank may alternatively use a market yield-based rediscounting rate.