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Banking Sector Innovation Survey 2021

The Central Bank of Kenya has issued the Banking Sector Innovation Survey 2021 Report. The aim of the Survey was to establish the state of innovation in the banking sector in the period ended 2021. Read the full report...

Credit Officer Survey Report December 2021

The Central Bank of Kenya has released the Credit Officer Survey Report for the quarter ended December 2021. The quarterly survey monitors trends in domestic credit market developments and standards in Kenya’s banking industry. Read the full report...

Full 2021 FinAccess Household Survey Dataset

The Central Bank of Kenya in collaboration with Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) and Financial Sector Deepening Trust (FSD Kenya) has released the 2021 FinAccess Household Survey. The full dataset is available for further analysis, deep dives and further...

Credit Officer Survey Report September 2021

The Central Bank of Kenya has released the Credit Officer Survey Report for the quarter ended September 2021. The quarterly survey monitors trends in domestic credit market developments and standards in Kenya’s banking industry. Read...

Guidance on Climate-Related Risk Management

Climate change is one of the major phenomena affecting the well-being of mankind globally. It has increased the frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events, impacting lives and livelihoods in significant ways. In recognition of the challenges and opportunities...