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Currency History 2

Currency History Early Currencies, Trade and Exchange Before the onset of the modern day currency, Kenya’s communities traded and exchanged goods and services, one to another or using intermediaries that had been accepted for trade. Various items have surfaced from...

Currency History

Currency History Early Currencies, Trade and Exchange Before the onset of the modern day currency, Kenya’s communities traded and exchanged goods and services, one to another or using intermediaries that had been accepted for trade. Various items have surfaced from...

Bank History

Bank History The Central Bank of Kenya was established by an Act of Parliament of March 24, 1966 and opened its doors to the public on September 14, 1966. The Bank is now anchored in the Constitution under Article 231. The mandate of the Bank is to formulate and...

Legislation and Guidelines

Legislation and Guidelines Legislation (or “statutory law”) is law that has been promulgated (or “enacted”) by a legislature or other governing body. Before an item of legislation becomes law it may be known as a bill, and may be broadly...

Currency Services

Currency Services By law, the Central Bank of Kenya is the only institution in the country that can issue currency. To successfully accomplish this mandate, the Central Bank ensures that it procures adequate and secure currency for distribution to meet the country’s...