Legislation and Guidelines
The Central Bank of Kenya is in various ways guided by the following pieces of legislation:
- Constitution of Kenya 2010
- Central Bank of Kenya Act (2015)
- Banking Act (2015)
- Microfinance Act (2006)
- The National Payment System Act (2011)
- Kenya Deposit Insurance Act 2012
Regulations and Guidelines Pursuant to the Banking Act (Cap 488)
Regulations and Guidelines issued by the Central Bank of Kenya subject banks to certain requirements, restrictions and guidelines. This regulatory structure creates transparency between banking institutions and the individuals and corporations with whom they conduct business, among other things.
Given the interconnectedness of the banking industry and the reliance that the national (and global) economy hold on banks, it is important for regulatory agencies to maintain control over the standardised practices of these institutions. The objectives of these regulations are:
- Prudential—to reduce the level of risk to which bank creditors are exposed (i.e. to protect depositors)
- Systemic risk reduction—to reduce the risk of disruption resulting from adverse trading conditions for banks causing multiple or major bank failures
- Avoid misuse of banks—to reduce the risk of banks being used for criminal purposes, e.g. laundering the proceeds of crime
- To protect banking confidentiality Credit allocation—to direct credit to favoured sectors to provide the best customer service in this competitive age.
Constitution of Kenya 2010
Constitution of Kenya 2010
Central Bank of Kenya Act (2015)
Central Bank of Kenya Act 1st Oct 2015
Foreign Exchange Guidelines
Forex Bureau Guidelines 2011 – March 18 2011
Forex Bureau Penalty Regulations
The Money Remittance Regulations 2013
Central Bank of Kenya (Mortgage Refinance Companies) Regulations, 2019
Central Bank of Kenya (Digital Credit Providers) Regulations 2022
Banking Act (2015)
Banking Act Oct 2015
Draft Banking (Penalties) Regulations 2024
Draft Banking (Penalties) Regulations 2024
Consultative Paper and Regulations on Banking Fees Review
Consultative Paper on Review of Commercial Banks Licence Fees in Kenya
Draft Banking (Fees) Regulations, 2025
Microfinance Act (2006)
Microfinance Deposit Taking Microfinance Institutions Regulations
Microfinance Categorization of the Deposit Taking Microfinance Institution
Guideline on the Appointment and Operations of Third Party Agents
Guideline on Marketing Offices and Agencies for DTMs
The National Payment System Act (2011)
National Payment System Act (No 39 of 2011)
National Payment System Regulations 2014
Kenya Deposit Insurance Act 2012
Kenya Deposit Insurance Act 2012
Prudential Guidelines 2013
Prudential Guidelines
Risk Management Guidelines 2013
Risk Management Guidelines January 2013
Guidance Notes
Guidance Note No1 of 2010
Guidance Note On Holding Of Board Meetings Through Video Conferencing
STR Guidance Note
Guidance Note On Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process
Guidance Note On Cybersecurity For The Banking Sector
Guidance Note on Conducting Money Laundering/ Terrorism Financing Risk Assessment
CBK Guidance Note on Implementation of IFRS 9
Guidance on Climate-Related Risk Management
RBS Framework
CBKs Risk Based Supervision Framework – May 2013
Kenya Foreign Exchange Code
Statement of Commitment to the FX Global Code
FX Code Self-Assessment Template
Rules for Electronic Matching Systems (EMS)
KEPSS Rules and Procedures
KEPSS Rules and Procedures
Guidelines for Application for the Authorisation of Payment Service Providers
Procedures for Authorisation of Payment Service Providers
Payment Service Providers Authorisation Checklist
Schedules to KEPSS Rules and Procedures
Schedule A
Schedule B
Schedule C
Schedule D
Schedule E
Schedule F
Schedule G
Schedule H
CBK (Currency Handling) Regulations 2010
Cbk Currency Handling Regulations 2010
Banking (Credit Reference Bureau) Regulations 2020
Credit Reference Bureau Regulations, 2020
Guideline on Incidental Business Activities,2013
Guideline on Incidental Business Activities
Guideline on Non Operating Holding Companies
Guideline Non Operating Holding Companies
Over the Counter trading Guidelines For Treasury Bills
OTC Operational Guidelines
Guideline on Cybersecurity for Payment Service Providers
Guidelines on Cybersecurity for PSPs
Kenya Banking Sector Charter 2019