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Currency Services

Currency Services By law, the Central Bank of Kenya is the only institution in the country that can issue currency. To successfully accomplish this mandate, the Central Bank ensures that it procures adequate and secure currency for distribution to meet the country’s...

Banking Services

Banking Services The Central Bank is the banker for the government, encompassing the national government, government ministries, departments & agencies (MDA’S) and county governments. These institutions hold a variety of accounts with the Central Bank, depending...


Governance The Board of Directors provides oversight of the Bank’s functions by formulating policies, other than the formulation of monetary policy, and reviewing performance. The Board comprises eleven members consisting of the Chairman, the Governor, the Permanent...

Our Mission

Our Mission The Central Bank of Kenya is a public institution established under Article 231 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010. The Bank is responsible for formulating monetary policy to achieve and maintain price stability and issuing currency. Pursuant to the...


DhowCSD Review statistics on the financial sector, generated through Central Bank research and oversight Statistics Review statistics on the financial sector, generated through Central Bank research and oversight Statistics Discover what makes the Central Bank an...