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Books Books Books posted here relate to those published by the Central Bank of Kenya and/or edited by our staff. First Lady’s Visit to St. Kizito School Photo Book: Her Excellency the First Lady, Margaret Kenyatta visited St. Kizito’s Litein School for the Deaf on...

Press Releases

Press Releases Press ReleaseMPC Press ReleaseMedia Clarifications Press Releases DateTitle DateTitle 02/10/2008 Official Launch of the Microfinance Act (2006) and Regulations (2008) 24/02/2009 CBK Launches updated report on bank charges and lending rates 26/01/2009...


INVEST Invest in Government Securities Government securities are considered as risk-free investments. Government securities provides you with a return and/or a consistent source of income over a specified period of time. Investors who buy these securities are loaning...

National Payments System

National Payments System A payments System refers to a system or arrangement that enables payments to be effected between a payer and a beneficiary, or facilitates the circulation of money, and includes any instruments and procedures that relate to the system....