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Currency History

Currency History Early Currencies, Trade and Exchange Before the onset of the modern day currency, Kenya’s communities traded and exchanged goods and services, one to another or using intermediaries that had been accepted for trade. Various items have surfaced from...

Interbank Money Market

Interbank Money Market The interbank money market is a market in which banks extend loans to one another for a specified term. Most interbank loans are for maturities of one week or less, the majority being overnight. Such loans are made at the interbank rate (also...

Treasury Bonds

Treasury Bonds Treasury bonds are a secure, medium- to long-term investment that typically offer you interest payments every six months throughout the bond’s maturity. The Central Bank Auctions Treasury bonds on a monthly basis, but offers a variety of bonds...

Bank Supervision

Bank Supervision One of the statutory objects of the Central Bank of Kenya under the Central Bank Act (Cap 491) is the promotion of financial stability through maintenance of a well-functioning banking system. Bank Supervision Overview One of the Central Bank of...